
World in Transition Introduction

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World in Transition Introduction

Today we continue with our series, “World in Transition” which explores and explains the cuspal period or overlap between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius through which we are now living.


I must first say that these astrological ages do not exactly coincide with historical periods or events.


Aquarian knowledge and technology would like there to be clean-cut beginnings and endings, but the fact remains that we do not know such timings. Some astrologers say that the Aquarian Age is way off in the future, while others say that it begun around the time of the French and American revolutions of the 18th Century.


At any rate, I firmly believe we really are in this cuspal zone. For example, in recent years why has everyone being carrying around their own supply of water? (Aquarius is the Water Bearer.)


This cuspal zone can also be seen to demonstrate how this confusion concerning when one age begins and another ends.


Astrology is a system of thought that can enable one to gain insight and order concerning anything or anyone passing through time – bearing in mind that time itself is somewhat of a mystery. In other words, astrology is there to heighten, clarify and deepen our perception and thereby our consciousness.


Where Aquarius prefers scientific exactitude, Pisces is quite happy being mysterious.


Definitions of Dew


This is neatly summed up by these two definitions of what ‘dew’ is.


Aquarius would say dew is ‘Condensation that falls on a solid surface as the ambient air temperature decreases below the saturation point of the water vapour in that air’.


Pisces would say dew is ‘God’s breath upon the Earth’.


Which one (if either) resonates with you most?


And even as I write all of this, my mind feels uncomfortably stretched between being literal or technically correct on the one hand, to being metaphorical or imaginative on the other.


This is a very immediate and emotional impression of the nature of our world in transition.


Baby and Bathwater


And bear in mind that this transition is not simply one age giving way to the other, but that the better qualities of the previous age should be preserved and integrated into the incumbent age, that is, to not throw the baby out with the bathwater.


This series will be looking at a number of different qualities regarding this time we are living through, with a simple keyword pair describing how the two Ages are overlapping, starting with the most basic, “Imagination (Pisces) & Knowledge (Aquarius).